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Life Symmetry Chiropractic Blog/Commit Random Kindness & Senseless Acts Of Beauty

Commit Random Kindness & Senseless Acts Of Beauty

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This last week while driving in to the office I saw a bumper sticker that made me smile. It read “Commit random kindness & senseless acts of beauty.” It made me stop and think and appreciate the good things in life and what truly is important. Often we get caught up in the business of the day or we get so focused on what we need to accomplish that we can lose sight of what is going on around us. We need more people willing to commit random kindness and senseless acts of beauty in the world. It would make the world a much better place.

Think about it. How might your day be changed for the better if someone did a random act of kindness for you? Or better yet if you did a random act of kindness for someone else without any expectation of something in return? Well the truth is if you did offer those random acts of kindness you would get something out of it, but it would not be anything that someone could give you. It is good for the soul to go about doing good works! The feeling that it brings is priceless!

We hear about enough bad things in the world today. Unfortunately, the news is by far slanted toward ‘bad’ news and tragedies. In fact, in many studies looking at the effect of watching the news there is a tendency for people to become more stressed and depressed after watching the news. And with all the ‘bad’ things being reported it can skew our perception of how prevalent crimes and other negative events are. However there really is much more ‘good’ going on in the world than the news shows report! You can decide to be a part of that ‘good’ going on in the world.

My challenge for everyone this next week is to commit at least one “random kindness” or “senseless act of beauty” each day of the week. They do not have to be big things. It could be something as simple as smiling to someone or holding a door. But notice how it changes your day, makes you feel, and how you perceive the world. Now I hope you will not do this with any expectation in return from those you serve, not even a thank you.

If anyone has some good experiences that they would like to share from their little experiment, those would be greatly appreciated in the comments. Also share this with as many people as you can and encourage them to take this challenge too. And perhaps we will make the world a better place.

​Here is a little reminder that you can print off to help you think about following through on the challenge.

Hi, I Am Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC

Healer, Chiropractor, Herbalist
​Life-long Learner