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Life Symmetry Chiropractic Blog/Aching Backs And Unbalanced Lives

Aching Backs And Unbalanced Lives

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Although chiropractic treatment is known as a valid method of treatment for musculoskeletal concerns, much of Colorado Springs and the world are still unaware of the greater sense of wellness that chiropractic care can afford. At Life Symmetry Chiropractic, we find that the initial expectations for new patients often only include having their backs ‘cracked’ to gain pain relief and provide comfort. However chiropractic offers so much more.

The idea behind chiropractic treatments date far back into history but modern chiropractic has its roots in the late 1800’s and is founded in principles of wellness and wholeness. We at Life Symmetry Chiropractic in Colorado Springs apply these valuable tenets to modern living. This not only changes our approach to healing, but also changes our perspective about wellness and the importance of lifestyle.

Force, matter, and intelligence all play an integral part in chiropractic treatments. Underneath these key ideas is understanding that a balanced person needs to be balanced within their body. Our intelligence knows, consciously or subconsciously, when part of life is ‘out of alignment.’ This misalignment will lead to a physical manifestation in the body. Pain, and even illness, is due to the natural organization of the matter of the body being compromised in some way.

Of course, outside forces can tangibly contribute to physical misalignments. This can be seen from injuries that occur through acute or long term actions. One thing we like to discuss with our patients is the ability to see that imbalances can also arise from intangible forces.

One of the easiest correlations is the idea of stress. Being in a state of stress also affects the mind and the perception of oneself. This ‘force of thought’ then dictates the posture of the body. People who come in for chiropractic treatment at our clinic in Colorado Springs will often have a classic stance that includes misalignments within the shoulder and neck area. The obvious interpretation is that tension is caused by the upper body hunching forward, and the activated fibers of the trapezius muscles are creating strain on the cervical spine and shoulder girdle.

Our whole body approach of chiropractic treatment in Colorado Springs also considers the manner in which mood and disposition, or ‘intelligent force,’ can influence such a situation. From a psychological perspective, stress generates a hypervigilant state which induces the sense of a need to protect oneself. Depression can also result in a feeling of smallness of self. The hunched posture that is common to stress can be seen as a direct response to both these feelings.

When you hunch forward, you are protecting your chest and your heart space, thus effectively shielding it from possible threats. The curving inwards is also an attempt at making oneself smaller and more compact, and is a manifestation of the depressive state.

​Through chiropractic treatments, Life Symmetry Chiropractic is dedicated to the idea of not only correcting the physical results of these manifestations, but also helping patients release the ‘emotional intelligence’ that perpetuates them. The result is a progressive form of healing, which allows for physical relief, but also utilizes the principles of force, intelligence, and matter in order to educate patients about personal habits that can facilitate the path to wellness.

Hi, I Am Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC

Healer, Chiropractor, Herbalist
​Life-long Learner