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Life Symmetry Chiropractic Blog/5 Reasons To Give Chiropractic A Try

5 Reasons To Give Chiropractic A Try

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Have you ever thought about going to a chiropractor? Not sure if you should or not? Well here are five reasons you should give chiropractic a try.

Number 1 Chiropractic offers a way to treat pain and other health problems without drugs or surgery. Some of the typical reasons patients come into the office are for back pain, neck pain, headaches, etc. The typical approach of most doctors is to give a pain killer or some other drug and see if the problem goes away. And sometimes they feel the need to cut you open and take something out or put something in to “fix” the problem, but are there other options to surgery?.

Unfortunately both drugs and surgery have many negative side effects. Have you ever considered the side effects of some of the common over-the-counter pain relievers? Acetaminophen is toxic to the liver and taking too much can cause liver damage or failure. Ibuprofen use is associated with increased risk of heart attack or stroke. And aspirin can cause or make worse bleeding problems such as ulcers. Plus each of these drugs has a considerable list of side effects. And surgery has permanent consequences, and what other problems will it lead to down the road?

Well chiropractic offers a completely different approach by using safe and natural adjustments to help without the long list of side effects like drugs. Chiropractic is often defined by the fact that it is done without drugs or surgery. So if you are tired of all the side effects from the myriad of drugs you have been given and don’t want to go under the knife; see what chiropractic can do for you.

Number 2 Chiropractic is a great deal – the cost of treatment is low and the benefits are considerable. Now the cost of medical care obviously depends upon where you go, as costs can vary widely between providers. Also many people do not realize the actual cost of care for common problems today due to health insurance paying without the patient ever seeing the actual charges. But when you add the cost of seeing the doctor, any medications, surgery, and then rehabilitation after surgery the actual cost can be quite staggering. I think it is safe to say that medical care is expensive.

Now chiropractic has been compared to standard medical treatments for cost-effectiveness. It is funny that the results can be different depending who is doing the study and what year. But I feel confident saying that chiropractic has been shown to be cost-effective compared to typical medical treatment for several conditions. Putting that aside though, the benefits of chiropractic far outweigh the cost. I have seen lives changed through chiropractic care! I know people that have been able to forgo costly and painful surgeries and no longer need pain drugs on an almost constant basis. All this through the completely natural means of chiropractic.

Number 3 Chiropractic looks to treat the problem not just the symptoms. When you go to the doctor with back pain, neck pain, or headache what is the typical treatment? Well probably some pain or other medication. But how do those things address the cause of the problem, unless you think you have a deficiency of pain medications? If a deficiency is not the problem, then how can pain drugs be the solution? Unfortunately they are not and really only mask the symptom of pain without getting to cause of the pain. In most cases when you are trying to override or control the body functions from outside in, you are missing the cause of the problem. What is causing the body to dysfunction in the first place?

Chiropractic looks at the whole person not just the different parts because one part of the body affects the others. What is really causing you neck pain and headaches? Is it improper posture putting stress on muscles leading to tension headaches? Why do you have all those tight muscles in the low back? Is it the body trying to stabilize unstable joints? Whatever the problem, finding the true cause is what chiropractic is all about.

Number 4 Chiropractic has the potential to improve your quality of life and allow you to do more of what you want to do. How much does pain or limited motion affect your quality of life? While the main focus of chiropractic is not to treat these symptoms, chiropractic definitely can improve problems that result in pain and limited motion. What is keeping you from doing the things that you want to do? A chiropractic lifestyle is very much about wellness and living in a healthy way to be able to achieve the things you want to do. How much more could you achieve by being healthier and not sick as often?

Number 5 By keeping your nervous system functioning at full capacity chiropractic care enables your body to better heal itself so you can stay healthier. This is where the beauty of chiropractic lies. That it helps the body do what it is supposed to do and heal itself! Chiropractic doesn’t do the healing, YOU do the healing! To explain a little of how this works we need to realize that the nervous system controls everything in the body. And when the nervous system is not functioning at its best it can effect every other function in the body and lead to many different problems. And this very well be the root cause of many problems we experience.

So how does chiropractic affect the nervous system? When the bones of the spine are not moving properly or a misaligned, it can cause irritation to the nerves that pass between these bones. This leads to interference with the information the brain sends to the body and the information the body returns to the brain. Kind of like having static when you talk on the phone, not all the information gets through. And in the body this can lead to pain and a number of other problems–including the body not being able to handle stresses as effectively as it could otherwise. Also it can affect the body’s ability to heal itself. Chiropractors look for these areas of improper movement or alignment and use an adjustment or quick thrust to help restore proper movement and alignment to the bones of the spine. This helps eliminate the interference with the information sent through the nerves and allows the nervous system to better coordinate all the functions in the body – unlocking the body’s natural ability to heal.

​If you have thought about trying chiropractic, I hope this has given you some good reasons to consider it. I would like to invite you to come and give it a try and see for yourself what chiropractic can do for you.

Hi, I Am Dr. Michael Schuneman, DC

Healer, Chiropractor, Herbalist
​Life-long Learner